
1755 Prevost & Schley Antique Print of an Inca Marriage Ceremony – Peru

  • Title : Ceremonie du Mariage des Incas
  • Ref #:  26001
  • Size: 15in x 10in (380mm x 255mm)
  • Date : 1755
  • Condition: (A+) Fine Condition

This fine, original copper-plate engraved antique print of an Inca Marriage Ceremony, Peru by Jakob van Schley – after De Bry – in 1755 was published in Antoine François Prevosts 15 volumes of Histoire Generale des Voyages written by Prevost & other authors between 1746-1790.

Women and men had paralleled roles, but were separate in Inca society. They were equally valued for the part they played in their society despite their differing roles.Marriage was no different.
Incan women were typically married at the age of sixteen, while men married at the age of twenty. Age, however, was not as important as keeping track of the stage of life that a person was at, such as whether or not they were able to work or be married. Ranks played a role in a person\’s marriage status as well. Men of lower rank could only have one wife; people of ranks higher than the kuraka were allowed more. If a man had more than one wife, one served as the principal wife while the other(s) were considered secondary. Having more wives showed that the man had more labour showing that the household was wealthy. The death of the principal wife was sometimes met with suspicion that the husband played a role in her death. The man had to find a new principal wife before he was able to recover from the previous wife\’s death. To prevent such suspicion and to increase the likelihood of a successful marriage, there were situations in which the couple could test how well the marriage would work out.
Trial marriages were typical of Inca culture. In this type of marriage, the man and woman would agree to try out being married to one another for a few years. At the end of this time, the woman could go home to her parents if she wished, and her husband could also send her home if he did not think it would work out. However, once the marriage was made final, they could only divorce if the woman was childless. To make the marriage final, the provincial governor had to approve the union.
In the Inca society, a wedding was a simple event. Instead, it was looked at more as a business-like agreement. Therefore, marriage was an economic agreement between two families. Parents on either side had to come to an agreement before the marriage took place and the couple could not be directly related to one another. Women would almost always marry men in the same social class as themselves. However, while it was very rare for them to marry a man with a higher social ranking, it was still possible for some young women. The only way for a young woman to alter her social ranking would be if a man of higher ranking took notice of her.
Once a woman was married, she was expected to collect food and cook, watch over the animals and the children, and to supply cloth to the government. Women of higher ranking also weaved, like those of lower ranks, but their work was used in special clothing for the higher ranks. A man\’s role sometimes resembled those of a woman, but acted in conjunction with one another. A woman’s household obligations would not change after she became pregnant. When she did find out she was pregnant she prayed and made offerings to an Inca god, Kanopa.Using marriage as an alliance strategy was also common among the Inca. Even before the Spaniards\’ arrival, the Inca used marriage as a way to claim themselves to power. After the Spaniards arrival the Inca allowed marriages between the Inca and Spaniards in order to gain power during a time of civil war

General Definitions:
Paper thickness and quality: – Heavy and stable
Paper color : – off white
Age of map color: –
Colors used: –
General color appearance: –
Paper size: – 15in x 10in (380mm x 255mm)
Plate size: – 12in x 8in (305mm x 205mm)
Margins: – Min 1in (25mm)

Margins: – None
Plate area: – Folds as issued
Verso: – None

One of Antoine Francois Prevosts monumental undertakings was his history of exploration & discovery in 15 volumes titledHistoire Générale des Voyages written between 1746-1759 and was extended to 20 volumes after his death by various authors.
The 20 volumes cover the early explorations & discoveries on 3 continents: Africa (v. 1-5), Asia (v. 5-11), and America (v. 12-15) with material on the finding of the French, English, Dutch, and Portugese.
A number of notable cartographers and engravers contributed to the copper plate maps and views to the 20 volumes including Nicolas Bellin, Jan Schley, Chedel, Franc Aveline, Fessard, and many others.
The African volumes cover primarily coastal countries of West, Southern, and Eastern Africa, plus the Congo, Madagascar, Arabia and the Persian Gulf areas.
The Asian volumes cover China, Korea, Tibet, Japan, Philippines, and countries bordering the Indian Ocean.
Volume 11 includes Australia and Antarctica.
Volumes 12-15 cover voyages and discoveries in America, including the East Indies, South, Central and North America.
Volumes 16-20 include supplement volumes & tables along with continuation of voyages and discoveries in Russia, Northern Europe, America, Asia & Australia.

Jakob van der Schley aka Jakob van Schley (1715 – 1779) was a Dutch draughtsman and engraver. He studied under Bernard Picart (1673-1733) whose style he subsequently copied. His main interests were engraving portraits and producing illustrations for \\\”La Vie de Marianne\\\” by Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux (1688-1763) published in The Hague between 1735 and 1747.
He also engraved the frontispieces for a 15-volume edition of the complete works of Pierre de Brantôme (1540-1614), \\\”Oeuvres du seigneur de Brantôme\\\”, published in The Hague in 1740.
He is also responsible for most of the plates in the Hague edition of Prévosts Histoire générale des voyages. (Ref: Tooley; M&B)

1755 Prevost & Schley Antique Print of an Inca Marriage Ceremony - Peru

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